Correlation Between Entry Grade Point Average and First Attempt National Certification Examination Scores for Graduate Registered Nurse Anesthetists
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The National Certification Exam (NCE) administered by the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA) is the exam nurse anesthesia graduates must pass before entering practice in the United States. Although Entry Grade Point Average (EGPA) is a common criterion used as an indicator of prior academic performance, there is limited data that ties a direct correlation to first-time scores on the NCE. Even though students may successfully graduate from their nurse anesthesia program, there are some who score poorly on their first National Certification Exam attempt. Low first-time NCE scores that do not achieve a passing standard may be of significant financial burden to the graduate and have adverse outcomes for the university, such as a potential negative impact on accreditation status. Therefore, further study regarding data validating if EGPA has a direct correlation with first-time scores on the NCE was indicated. A literature review was conducted using common databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). This scholarly project used a quantitative, retrospective, correlational design that examined data of approximately 175 students from eight separate cohorts that graduated from the nurse anesthesia program between 2012-2019 at AdventHealth University in Central Florida. EGPAs of these students were compared to their first-time NCE scores using de-identified data provided by the Department Chair of the nurse anesthesia program. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used for data analysis. The data from this scholarly concluded that higher EGPAs resulted in overall higher NCE scores. Graduates with NCE scores that were less than 450 had an average EGPA of 3.29. Graduates with NCE scores of 450 or greater had an average EGPA of 3.48.