The Transgender Patient and Perioperative Complications


There are an estimated 1.4 million adults in the United States that currently identify as transgender. As the social acceptance of the transgender population continues to increase, it is expected that this number will continue to rise. There are a reported 61% of transgender individuals who have pharmaceutically transitioned with Hormone Replacement Therapy and 25% having undergone Gender Affirming Surgery. As health insurance coverage encompasses treatment options and surgical services for this population, anesthesia providers must be aware of potential perioperative complications. Potential risks include cardiovascular complications, altered respiratory physiology, and distorted airway anatomy. Currently, there is a gap in knowledge in the care of transgender patients among anesthesia providers as well as a lack of a standardized curriculum in anesthesia education addressing transgender patients during the perioperative period and related anesthetic considerations. Therefore, a continuing education (CE) module via the Echelon platform was created to reduce the gap in knowledge among anesthesia providers related to the care of the transgender population in the perioperative setting.




