Music Therapy Effects on Pain and Anxiety Throughout the Perioperative Period
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Alternative therapies for pain and anxiety are in high demand due to a multitude of problems including a lack of effective treatment modalities, nationwide drug shortages, and the implications from the opioid epidemic. A review of the current literature was performed to determine the effects of music therapy (MT) on pain and anxiety throughout the perioperative period. The results of the literature review found that MT is effective in treating both pain and anxiety. Furthermore, its use as an anesthesia adjunct can decrease narcotic and anxiolytic medication usage during the perioperative period. Additionally, MT can provide a better anesthetic, stabilize vital signs, and increase patient satisfaction. After the literature review, an educational PowerPoint was presented to the 2019 class of student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs) at AdventHealth University (AHU). The objective of the presentation was to enhance SRNA knowledge base regarding the effects of MT on perioperative anxiety and pain. The efficacy of the educational presentation in increasing knowledge base was determined using a pre/post-test administered before and after the presentation. A paired samples t test was conducted to analyze the data from the pre/post-tests. The obtained t value of -9.165 is associated with a p value of < .001 which is statistically significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the average scores between pre-test and post-test increased significantly. These results suggest that SRNAs’ knowledge base increased after the PowerPoint presentation regarding the effects of MT on perioperative anxiety and pain.