Clark, ElizabethKorostenskaja, Milena2023-06-232023-06-232022Clark, E., Czaplewski, A., Nguyen, K., Pasciucco, P., Rios, M., & Korostenskaja, M. (2022). Establishing clinical protocols for BCI-based motor rehabilitation in individuals post stroke - The impact of feedback type and selected outcome measures: A systematic review. In M. Kurosu, S. Yamamoto, H. Mori, D. D. Schmorrow, C. M. Fidopiastis, N. A. Streitz, & S. I. Konomi (Eds.), HCI international 2022 - Late breaking papers. Multimodality in advanced interaction environments: 24th international conference on human-computer interaction, HCII 2022, virtual event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, proceedings (pp. 371-390). Springer. Clinical Protocols for BCI-based Motor Rehabilitation in Individuals Post Stroke - The Impact of Feedback Type and Selected Outcome Measures: A Systematic ReviewBook chapter