Best Practices for Prevention of Perioperative Ocular Injuries


Anesthesia providers are entrusted with the responsibility of providing competent health care and maintaining patient safety. This includes minimizing potential injury a patient may face during the perioperative period. Safe standards of practice may be derived from the most current body of research data. A literature review regarding preventative measures of perioperative ocular injury (POI) has demonstrated that, while having a low incidence, these occurrences may inflict devastating and possibly permanent vision impairment and discomfort upon patients. Research varies on which method of ocular protection is superior. Student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNA) have limited experience with management of POIs. The intent of this scholarly project was to increase the knowledge base of a sample size of 48 SRNAs at one nurse anesthesia program about POIs. The fundamental goal of this study was to increase the SRNAs’ awareness of evidence-based practice to assist with prevention of future POIs. SRNAs completed a pre-test consisting of 10 questions regarding pertinent POI information immediately prior to receiving education about POIs via a PowerPoint presentation. SRNAs then completed a post-test consisting of the same 10 questions presented in the pre-test. A correlation between scores utilizing statistical software determined an increase in the knowledge base of the SRNAs was achieved. POI education was successfully implemented and resulted in an increase in SRNA knowledge base. POI is relevant to the anesthesia profession. Therefore, a thorough understanding of POI incidence, prevalence, etiology, risk factors, evidence-based prevention and treatment, may be advantageous in possibly reducing its occurrence.




