Educating the 2018 Cohort of Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists on the Diagnosis and Management of Perioperative Bronchospasm Using a Simulation Scenario


Anesthesia providers have the responsibility to minimize potential hazards and promptly address anesthetic emergencies in order to provide safe and competent care. A perioperative bronchospasm is an uncommon event and potential anesthetic emergency that can lead to catastrophic patient outcomes from hypoxia if not corrected in a timely manner. It arises from a sudden increase in bronchial smooth muscle tone and results in the closure of small airways. Successful management and timely recognition of this crisis may pose a challenge to the novice provider. Therefore, the intent of this capstone was to conduct a thorough literature review, condense it, and present our summary of the existing literature on this topic to our sample group. This capstone assessed the current knowledge and educated our convenience sample, the class of 2018 cohort of student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNA) at Adventist University of Heath Sciences on the physiology, diagnosis, and management of perioperative bronchospasm through the use of a power point presentation and simulation scenario to augment the didactic course work. The projects efficacy was determined by comparing scores of identical pre- and post-tests as well as pre- and post-simulation scenarios.




